To advance: Jab your finger in the Eye of the Pyramid at every opportunity.

  1. There are five steps to the next level.
  2. There are five levels of advancement.
  3. You will advance with a few simple decisions.
  4. Your way is clearly marked, but hazards do exist.
  5. The decisions you make may lead you into barren places.
Eye of the Pyramid
  1. You must be persistent, and willing to explore each screen with the cursor.
  2. A positive approach will take you far.
  3. If at any time you feel stupid, lost or confounded, look for this icon:
  4. You may receive help by clicking.
  5. Ovopd
Toss the Golden Apple into the Eye of the Pyramid, a cosmic lash
at the face that feeds identity and creates desire!

Copyright 1997 thrill the fenderson, AOFAA, .'. .'. .'.
All photographic images licensed exclusively to:
Persistant Folly Enterprises.
Any unauthorized duplication, display and use of any photographic images contained herein will result
in an increasingly weighty Karmic Debt, to be repaid throughout lifetimes...